Progress report for
Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships (GloMEEP) Project
Achievement at a glance
To date, the GloMEEP Project has delivered 30 capacity-building workshops across the ten beneficiary Lead Pilot Countries (LPCs), providing training on IMO's energy efficiency regulations, energy efficient ship operation, port state control and enforcement, as well as how to quantify and address emissions in ports. Almost 1000 participants have been trained through GloMEEP facilitated workshops.<br>
<br>Through this enhanced capacity-building, since the Project launched in September 2015, two of the LPCs have acceded to MARPOL Annex VI, making the total number of GloMEEP beneficiary countries who have ratified 8 (out of 10).
<br>Following its launch in June 2017, the Global Industry Alliance (comprised of 16 leading maritime companies) have decided upon several priority areas to focus its work. The GIA are currently developing an E-Learning course on Energy Efficient Ship Operation, Guide on Alternative Fuels, Study into the effective implementation of Just-in-Time Operation of Ships, as well as the development of a Protocol for validation of performance of Energy Efficiency Technologies.