Progress report for
Science for deep-ocean sustainability
Achievement at a glance
In March 2018 the Deep-Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI) formed a new working group for the upcoming UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development enabling the deep-sea biology community to contribute to this initiative (2021 to 2030). In April, 2018 a DOSI workshop was convened at the University of Southampton - Science diplomacy for stewardship: advancing science-based policy for biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction. A discussion was held on the scientific and technological challenges and opportunities facing the development of a new international legally binding instrument for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Following this meeting, DOSI BBNJ working group co-lead, Paul Snelgrove, gave a presentation during a side-event at the BBNJ IGC meeting in New York.<br>
<br>In March 2018 DOSI Participated in the conference Climate Change and the Law of the Sea: Adapting the Law of the Sea to Address the Challenges of Climate Change, contributing scientific guidance (to policy experts) on the Changing Ocean, Ecosystem Responses and Solutions. During June 2018 DOSI held a briefing for ISA and BBNJ delegates at the UN in New York Shedding Light on the Deep Sea: What we know and why it matters to bring scientific information to policy makers.