Progress report for
Achievement at a glance
Permaculture is holistic approach to conservation on the three pillars of care for the people, care for the land and care for the environment. The network of Africa, Mediterranean, and the Middle East is gaining momentum as a grass-root initiative and is attracting more members around the globe. At least 30 permaculture gatherings/workshops have been conducted by the network members 2017/2018.Challenges faced in implementation
The political upheaval in the Middle East has slowed down the practice of and interest in permaculture, and introduced financial challenges. The network currently depend on freely available resources, and voluntry work in a confederation-like structure where each individual organisation liaise but stays independent from the other network members in terms of finance and governance.Next Steps
25 additional members have expressed their interest in joining the network this year - which will be reported in detail by the end of July 2018. The Network will continue to expand and liaise with members for capacity building and global outreach.Beneficiaries
Community members in (parts of) Africa, Mediterranian and the (parts of the) Middle East with opportunities of expansion. The global community.