Progress report for
Achievement at a glance
Since its establishment in 2014, PIURN has conducted two biannual conferences (2014 at UNC, 2016 at NUS) and preparing the third to be held in UFP, Tahiti in October 2018. In 2017, PIURN set aside $250K to fund collaborative research between member countries. \\r\\n
Challenges faced in implementation
Disparity between the sizes and resources of universities. \\r\\n
Regional Tertiary Institutions and its students \\r\\nPacific Island Communities
Generated knowledge through research and publication on priority challenges in the Pacific region. Shared physical and intellectual resources, in an equitable manner, to facilitate quality research. Collectively work with regional and international organizations to strengthen the quantity and quality of research conducted in fields of major importance. Strengthen research content in the curriculum and in teaching, with a focus on strengthening the postgraduate training and enhancing joint degrees at the Masters and PhD levels. Protect and apply local and indigenous knowledge systems. Use the knowledge generated through research for the well-being of the Pacific Island communities.
Submitted on
14 June, 2018
Progress Status
On track
University of the South Pacific (USP)
Dr Jito Vanualailai