Progress report for
Especies y Espacios Monterrey
Achievement at a glance
The ongoing initiative of the program Especies y Espacios (by SOSAC) has achieved an improvement of the program itself by putting together capacity of new stakeholders with the goals and opportunities that the program activities offer. Namely, integrating higher education courses (bonaty and biogeography) to the timeline of activities generates technical information about biodiversity and how it can be mainstreamed in the urbanity. This improvement is furthermore enabling research opportunities, enhancing the citizen science efforts and boosting the scientific alphabetization about local biodiversity. Private sector and citizenry identifies an opportunity to take action about current complex issues of the city.Challenges faced in implementation
One of the major challenges is to link permanently local governments and public services providers to include them in the beneficiaries learning about local biodiversity and natural habitat restoration; designing arrangements for capacity building for government. Regarding the environment health status, the presence of alien exotic species is another challenge to face. The staff and stakeholders are now analyzing the possibility to incorporate this issue to the goals of a second initiative of the same program to run on a longer term, with a bigger scope about public spaces area.Next Steps
Under developmentBeneficiaries