Progress report for
Youth, Ocean and SDG14
Achievement at a glance
The objective of our voluntary commitment is to bring attention and awareness of young people towards SDG 14 and other linked SDGs. The organization will conduct a public awareness campaign at local level by targeting children at schools, institutions of higher learning and youth focused or youth led non-government organizations on ocean conservation, reducing plastic, marine litter and micro-plastics.<br>A field trip with the purpose of coastal clean-up by primary and secondary school students will be organized around the month of October or November.
<br>This event is to educate the beneficiaries of the importance of why we need to keep the ocean clean, the effects of human activities on marine life and fisheries and why a "sick" oceans is bad for humanity. . By the end of the event, participants will have exposure to coastal clean-up activities and awareness of its importance to the oceans.
<br>The implementation of this commitment endorses the engagement of young people in conserving the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. This initiative will recognize best possible ways and practices that champions SDG14, through learning and sharing. This initiative will empower young people to take local action in their communities and thereby create a chain reaction in bringing about awareness about the ocean.