Progress report for
MARECO Project: Increasing the awareness of children for the sustainable use of coral reefs and their resources in the SW Indian Ocean
Achievement at a glance
Since the OCEAN conference held last year in NY, the MARECO project made significant progress to develop its crucial actions toward raising awareness in coral ecosystem and marine biodiversity functioning, with the end goal of spreading the gospel of ecosystem approaches and coral reef knowledge among tomorrows world key agents of change: children. Among these progress, IRD and its partners managed to:<br>- raise financial support to launch the edition of the Coral Reef Teaching Toolbox (+-40 updated prototypes to be produced in English/French/vernacular language tbd);
<br>-Smooth the interface with the editor company Bioviva;
<br>-Integrate the Eco-Schools network as a new key partners. The Eco-School programme helps schools and empowers students in the western Indian Ocean region in driving sustainable changes by engaging them in fun, action-orientated learning. Building on this partnership, MARECO will develop its activities, firstly via its network in Mauritius;
<br>-Enhanced its partnership with the Reef Conservation based in Mauritius, partner that will be also a key vector to disseminate MARECOs Teaching Toolbox;
<br>-Explore concrete potential activities with new partners encounter during the OCEAN conference in NY, namely the Cousteau Society regarding the Comoros region;
<br>-Develop new project proposals with regional outreach in the Indian ocean (INTERREG Europe with Reunion Island and French Global Environment Facility - FGEF)