Progress report for
Regional Marine Protected Areas networks in action
Achievement at a glance
During the last IMPAC 4 (International MPA Congress) in Chile in September 2017, a call for joint action by MPA networks was launched to build a transatlantic MPA network.<br>
<br>Networks of MPA managers, at national, sub-regional, regional or supra-regional levels are successful in sharing knowledge and best management practices through effective communication and capacity building. They allow for exchanges between managers with common issues in different local contexts, and generate creativity, problem solving and resource sharing.
<br>Strong transatlantic MPA network should be actively promoted and financed to allow MPA managers to most effectively collaborate on actions to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
<br>Countries, managers, donors, scientists and others, were invited to join this call and commit to support this networking approach and to spread it within and beyond the Atlantic to our global ocean.
<br>Several organizations and individuals have signed the call already: