Progress report for
Establishment of an acoustic and fishery information system to improve knowledge of marine ecosystems and its resources through the use of data from fishing vessels, incorporating actors from other countries.
Achievement at a glance
With regard to the joint scientific explorations with the Peruvian Research Institute of the Sea, the following activities have been carried out:<br>- Cruise to evaluate the anchovy spawning biomass with the Egg Production Method, in which two scientific vessels and two fishing vessels of the SNP participated. (August 22 - September 9, 2017)
<br>- Simultaneous prospecting of fishing vessels - Operation Eureka LXX (15-17 September) with the exclusive participation of 13 fishing vessels, from the coast to 120 nm, to observe the distribution of anchovy and other pelagic resources, as well as oceanographic conditions of the Peruvian sea.
<br>- Hydroacoustic evaluation cruise of pelagic resources (September-October 2017), with the participation of 2 scientific vessels and 3 fishing vessels, for the evaluation of biomass, distribution and biological-fishing aspects of pelagic resources.
<br>On the other hand, the Protocol for the Calibration and Intercalibration of fishing vessel echo sounders has been prepared and reviewed in workshops of the Scientific Committee of the SNP, in order to obtain reliable acoustic data. Validation of the Peruvian Sea Research Institute is needed.
<br>To comply with the agreement between fishing associations of Chile, Peru and Ecuador for the organization of big acoustic data at the regional level is working in the context of the Regional Fisheries Management Organization of the South Pacific (SPRFMO)