Progress report for
Achievement at a glance
We are collaborating closely with the Anti Fish Bombing Committee of Sabah government (see and other partners in Sabah (including Sabah Environment Trust, WWF Malaysia, ReefCheck Malaysia, DHI Malaysia) in developing a new policy document that will facilitate Sabah Govt in delivering SDG-14, in particular bringing their MPAs up to 10%. We're also in active discussions with US government concerning developing capacity in Sabah and the region to enforce the law against fish bombing. This will include an approach delivered by coordinating spatial data, including fish bomb locations with surveillance data such as radar positions. In Hong Kong, we are involved in developing a Sustainable Seafood Coalition modeled along the lines of the UK's SSC. (see These developments are insufficiently mature to upload photos now but are proceeding apace and we expect we can announce some news by end of December.
Submitted on
03 November, 2017
Progress Status
On track