Progress report for
On My Wish List: Ocean in View
Achievement at a glance
Aiming to improve dissemination and implementation of the idea to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean and its resources by implementing international law, the voluntary commitment "On My Wish List: Ocean in View" by Lady Lawyer Foundation (LLF) and Michela Cocchi - Studio Legale, focusing on Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), has the purpose to providing a platform of knowledge, through which receiving tools for progression, individuating innovative instruments, spreading experiences, supplying open dialogue, in order to give community of stakeholders operational methods and models for the practical step-by-step feasibility analysis. The first phase has headed towards the confirmation of the perimeter of the work as the framework built on the Principles agreed upon under Resolution A/RES/66/288, popularly known as The Future We Want, centering on the importance of the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans and seas and of their resources for sustainable development, including through the contributions to poverty eradication, sustained economic growth, food security, creation of sustainable<br>livelihoods and decent work, while at the same time protecting biodiversity and the marine environment and addressing the impacts of climate change. The commitment is now proceeding with the organization of the first annual workshop that will be held next June 2018, both taking into account the outcomes of "Law for Creativity", the research developed by Lady Lawyer Foundation (LLF) and Michela Cocchi - Studio Legale, related to the set of rules fostering creativity as an asset between investment, innovation, competitiveness and mobilizing Lady Lawyer Fashion Archive ( as resource.