Progress report for
UNEP Montreal Protocol OzonAction Programme
Achievement at a glance
UNEP Montreal Protocol Cpmpliance Assistance Programme (CAP) as an Implementing Agency of the Montreal Protocol, UNEP was entrusted by the Parties in 1991 with the following responsibilities: political promotion of the objectives of the Protocol, research and data-gathering and the Clearinghouse function. The Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP) is fulfilling UNEP’s mandate, by strengthening the capacity of governments - particularly National Ozone Units (NOUs) - and industry in developing countries (Montreal Protocol Article 5 countries), to elaborate and enforce the policies required to implement the Protocol, make informed decisions about alternative technologies and sustain compliance obligations. For the last twenty five years, UNEP and subsequently the CAP, provides country-specific compliance services, operates 10 Regional Networks of Ozone Officers, facilitates South-South cooperation, assists with regional awareness activities, and provides a global Information Clearinghouse that serves NOUs through information, communication, education (ICE) electronic knowledge management and capacity building activities. CAP’s 147 developing country clients cover a broad spectrum ranging in terms of size, population and consumption and production of ozone depleting substances (ODS), from Niue to China. This varied client base includes 48 countries classified by the UN system as Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and 38 countries classified as Small Island Developing States (SIDS).Next Steps
Based in 2014 Meeting of Parties to the Montreal Protocol all SIDS are in compliance. UNEP-CAP will continue to meet the SIDS needs in sustaining national obligations to the Montreal Protocol. The aim is to deliver sustainable activities and improve programme delivery to more effectively meet all 39 SIDS country’s needs during the HCFC phase out. Seeking a partnership approach, this will be linked with national development sustainable development processes and in particular: Capacity Building - Public and Private Sectors, Good Refrigeration and Air-conditioning servicing practices, policy and legislative development, energy efficiency, industry standards, climate change and communication and awareness raising. Through networking, SIDS National ozone officers are sensitized on the subjects of HFC negotiations and developments under the Montreal Protocol.Beneficiaries
All SIDS as Parties to the Montreal Protocol