Progress report for
HIV and STI Prevention in the Caribbean (UNAIDS and UNFPA)
Achievement at a glance
UNFPA in collaboration with key stakeholders, strengthened national and regional capacities to develop, implement and monitor HIV responses that utilize a combination prevention approach to meet the needs of young people and key populations. Regional systems for the delivery of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) have been improved in 6 countries including through the development and implementation of Comprehensive Condom Programming (CCP), a SRH training methodology for social work and public health students; peer education model on CSE and Health and Family Life Education (HFLE); training teachers and counsellors in CSE and adolescent sexual and reproductive health services (ASRH), and youth leaders for active participation in advocacy at national level. South-South Cooperation was facilitated for HFLE Master training for Trinidad & Tobago and Guyana by the Ministry of Education, Jamaica.Challenges faced in implementation
The upper middle income status classification of countries in the region has resulted in reduced donor resources to deliver interventions with the general population and adolescents, thus limiting the countries’ ability to take programmes to needed scale. The limited involvement of private sector and funding are also hindrances.Next Steps
To address the twin limitations of human and financial resources while strategically enhancing the needs in the region, Jamaica has been identified as a fast-track country.Beneficiaries
Government officials in Ministries of Health, Youth and Education; Gender and Social Affairs