Progress report for
Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)
Achievement at a glance
The CCAC has 111 Partners, including 50 countries, committed to meaningful action to reduce short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs). Of importance to SIDS, the CCAC is advancing its initiatives to reduce SLCPs in the following sectors: reducing methane and black carbon through municipal solid waste management, reducing black carbon from heavy-duty diesel vehicles and engines, reducing black carbon from domestic cooking and lighting, and promoting HFC alternative technology and standards. All these emissions contribute to deadly air pollution, and in May 2015 the CCAC welcomed the first ever Resolution on Air Pollution and Health in the World Health Assembly.Challenges faced in implementation
The CCAC needs to emphasise the sustainable development aspects so SIDS are able to see the quick wins possible for health protection, development and climate mitigation by implementing measures to reduce SLCPs in the waste, transport, domestic energy and refrigeration/cooling sectors.Next Steps
To effectively reach SIDS, the CCAC will reach out and share information with the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and other relevant actors.Beneficiaries