Progress report for
Achievement at a glance
-Support for integrated environmental assessment: by making accessible global, regional and national data and knowledge flows.-Capacity support: through the Indicator Reporting Information System which will help countries share data and transform it into indicators for reporting to MEAs, for SDG's and SoE’s. IRIS has been deployed in Samoa and has potential use in other countries in the region.
-SDG Synergies: which provides an effective way to retrieve relevant indicator-level data and show relationships between SDG and MEA-related data.
-Development of a web intelligence portal: users can access in real-time, current opinions and trends in public discourse on key issues.
Challenges faced in implementation
Funding challenges limits the number of countries that we can provide capacity support to on IRIS.Next Steps
Project development to increase funding for capacity development and continued development of key services provided by the UNEP Live.Beneficiaries