Progress report for
Achievement at a glance
Following our phase one calendar, we have be carrying out SDGs awareness sessions focusing on one goal per month.In view of this, we have achieved information dissemination on GOAL 1, 2,3,4,5. For Goal 1, we did various tweet chat discussing SOLUTIONS to Goal in Africa. As part of our achievement so far, we have initiated a life time project on Goal 2 which we called "PROJECT LET GO FARMING". This project was initiated in all the SDGsACT member's Countries. This project is bring together youths in various communities in Africa by forming a group of 5, 10 and 20, partnering with their communities to get land for the use of the project. Various crops are planted, nourished, protected, harvest and commercial at a very low price to the people in such communities by so during, we are helping to eradicate poverty and hunger in Africa.Besides, we have put in place a competition across Africa that we help to compliment the quality of education in Africa. The pilot edition of the competition took place in the month of April which was our month of Goal 4. The competition was tag MERIT AFRICA COMPETITION, two states in Nigeria Lagos and Ondo State hosted the competition in which total of 500 students participated
As part of Goal 4 achievement,
For Goal 5, we have an on going competition across Africa named SDGsACT Goal 5 Essay Competition
And now, we hosting SDGsACT Africa Conference come 7 to 11th August in Abuja Nigeria where about 500 delegates will be coming
Challenges faced in implementation
Our major challenges as remain funding, all we have been doing since Oct 5th , 2016 has been without sponsors, but our passion and commitment keep us going. Government and Private sectors have not really key in the process so getting needed support from them are not granted. Getting acceptance from schools, parents youths are not easy.Next Steps
We have in place 5 committees that are working on achieving our set objectives.Beneficiaries