Progress report for
The Rohingya Football Club
Achievement at a glance
We have delivered some sporting equipment to the club. Building awareness remains an early aim and is making some progress mainly through mainstream media and social media. New funding initiatives have been introduced and are underway.Challenges faced in implementation
Financial issues have slowed our progress. Regulatory obligations surrounding national accreditation have used up scant resources and have derailed significant funding strategies. While these have set back progress, we are working hard to deliver via alternative resourcing channels. Being a pilot program, we assumed there may be some setbacks and challenges as we implement new structures etc and we anticipated some delays.Poor awareness of the Rohingya issue here in Australia and elsewhere have undermined efforts to reach funding sources. A mentality here in Australia - both at the government level and socially - of eschewing international aid in preference to domestic aid programs is also a challenge we are facing for this program.
Finally, economies of scale in the not for profit sector tends to marginalise our voice, despite the fact that we are unique in Australia (to our knowledge).
Next Steps
While progress has been slower to date than we had hoped, we are maintaining our June 30 deadline for Phase 1 completion. An assessment phase will then be launched and Phase 2 work will begin post-assessment if so agreed by all parties.Beneficiaries
Rohingya refugee community in Kuala Lumpur
With the delivery of sporting equipment, the club has been able to implement aspects of its non-violent outreach and community development aims pertaining to the SDG agendas pertaining to this program.The measureable aspect of this is limited however due to its anecdotal nature. While data-based research is a part of the ultimate outcome of this program, no data has been generated as yet.