Progress report for
Achievement at a glance
SDGsACT was launched on the 5th of October, 2015 on facebook. We took the online campaign very serious because we believe we can get more youths to get involve via the social media. So far so good, we now have 1000+ likes on facebook, 750+ Followers on twitter. We launched on phase 1 calendar on the 1st of January 2016. We have SDGsACT in 17 Africa Countries, 22 states in Nigeria with more than 5000 youth volunteers. Using the power of partnership inline with Goal 17, we have about 28 partners across Africa.Challenges faced in implementation
To us our challenges are like bread to us. We faced and still facing some many challenges in the following areas1. Youth acceptance and involvement
2. Spreading to some Africa countries
3. Support from Government and private bodies
4. Funding
Next Steps
We are still moving on with our campaign till the end of this year before we will move to SDGs Project identification across Africa.Beneficiaries
Africa youths