Progress report for
Knowing how to accelerate water for all (GO4SDG6)
Achievement at a glance
In the past year 2023, we were especially successful in bringing in our staff expertise for training young professionals through the Potable Water Management Programme in Upper Egypt (PWMP), financed by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). In six schools in Aswan (primary and secondary level students, both boys and girls), we have reached through several trainings, workshops, games or visits a total of 2’040 participants. With male youth community groups, we have reached through several sessions, workshops, sport activities or visits to the water treatment plant and the Nile Museum a total of 704 participants. With women groups (both young and elderly women) we have reached through several sessions, workshops, games or visits to the water treatment plant and the Nile Museum a total of 4’800 participants.In addition, we stayed engaged with pro bono hours by contributing to the Swiss Water Partnership (SWP), the Association for the Use of Energy from Wastewater, Waste, Waste Heat and Drinking Water (InfraWatt), the Swiss Association of Consulting Engineering Companies (, the Association of Swiss Wastewater and Water Protection Experts (VSA), and the Swiss Association for Water, Gas and Heat (SVGW).
Challenges faced in implementation
During the COVID-19 pandemics, we explored new ways of interacting with students, youth and women groups. The face-to-face work turned out to be the most valuable way of interaction, given the limited literacy rate and limited access to other means of communication. Face-to-face community work requires resources and presence on the ground. Another challenge is to turn youth action and motivation into visible/tangible changes of neighborhoods in terms of environmental quality, e.g. green spaces, waste collection etc. Also, the currently difficult economic situation in Egypt may lead to higher youth unemployment rate and fewer economic development opportunities overall, by this also limiting the resources of youth to achieve progress towards the SDGs.Next Steps
Andreas ZyssetBeneficiaries
Professionals, young professionals, and local communities
- staff-hours dedicated to water development projects- pro bono-hours dedicated to work in professional associations in the water domain
- staff-hours of young professionals coached in the water domain