Progress report for
Italian partnership for safeguard and monitoring of water bodies – POA PSC Project
Achievement at a glance
Most of the planned actions have been started and are being implemented, including those involving collaborations between institutional entities, research bodies and universities. At present there is no significant evidence that some of these actions will not conclude the projects by the expected date of 12.31.2025. The current state of progress already demonstrates the potential to make this type of project structural over timeChallenges faced in implementation
The main challenges concern the possibility of making collaborations that have been established structural over time, in order to make the process of water resource monitoring stable, reliable, and and fast response. The other significant challenge concerns the data digitalisationNext Steps
Giuseppe Lo PrestiBeneficiaries
The beneficiaries of the initiative are primarily all the institutions involved in the project implementation processes, starting from the District Authorities. These subjects are in fact the main competent in the implementation process of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC. In addition to the regions, which perform essential functions in monitoring the resource, other beneficiaries of the project are also citizens and stakeholders who could have a easier and direct access to environmental data concerning the main impacts of the use of water resource.