Progress report for
International Organization for Migration Commitments to the Water Action Agenda
Achievement at a glance
As part of IOM's ongoing commitment to promote Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), IOM collaborated with Deltares to host a training session. Twenty participants from IOM country offices in West Africa, East Africa, the Middle East, and headquarters attended the training in IWRM.The training aimed to enhance participants' understanding of IWRM and its applicability in the humanitarian, transition, and recovery contexts where IOM operates. Specifically, the training highlighted how IWRM can contribute to the operationalization of the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus (HDPN), reinforcing IOM's efforts to address water-related challenges comprehensively.
IOM developed with partners a Technical Guide on Integrating Linkages Between Human Mobility and Climate Change into Relevant National Climate Change Planning Processes – A Supplement to the UNFCCC Technical Guidelines. It is also a tool to further integrate human mobility in sectoral national adaptation plans, including in those dedicated to the water sector.
IOM actively participated in thematic policy processes aimed at addressing the linkages between human mobility and water scarcity, as outlined in the Praia Call for Action. Through engagement at national, regional, and international levels, IOM advocated for policies that recognize the importance of equitable access to water resources for migrants, displaced persons, and host communities. IOM is actively participating in the dialogue on Water Security in the Horn, led by IGAD and the World bank.
IOM is also engaging in the process ahead of the two-year UAE–Belém work programme on indicators for measuring progress achieved towards the targets in the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience. Out of its seven targets, the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience includes the
following target: (a) significantly reducing climate-induced water scarcity and enhancing climate
resilience to water-related hazards towards a climate-resilient water supply, climate-resilient
sanitation and towards access to safe and affordable potable water for all.
IOM collaborated with a range of partners, including research institutes, private sector, and academic institutions, to leverage WASH expertise and resources, provide technical assistance, and facilitate knowledge exchange to promote equitable access to sustainable WASH infrastructure.
Among IOM's strategic partners are Deltares, Groundwater Relief, IGRAC, and the Veolia Foundation, in addition to Stand-By Partnerships with governmental agencies such as RVO-DRRS, MSB, NORCAP, and SDC.
IOM is currently leading the Global WASH Cluster (GWC) Working Group on Climate Change. The Working Group leverages the collective reach and experience of its members to strengthen GWC members and National Coordination Platforms (NCPs) knowledge and capacity, as well as delivering advocacy and resource mobilization efforts necessary to support initiatives that can bolster the resilience of the humanitarian WASH sector. Additionally, IOM is an active member of the Hygiene promotion and Sanitation Technical Working groups, a member of the Global WASH Cluster Strategic advisory Group (SAG), and the UN Water.
By actively participating in strategic discussions and decision-making processes in these forums, IOM strengthens a cohesive and integrated approach to addressing water, sanitation, and hygiene challenges. This fosters comprehensive, people-centered approaches that support progress towards durable solutions in WASH interventions
Next Steps
Antonio TorresBeneficiaries
Cumulatively from 2023, IOM reached a total of 11.2 million individuals with WASH services across 65 countries.