Progress report for
Increasing Capacity to Capture Rainfall Water and Flood Water through Deep Drilling Holes in the Ground and Tree Plantation on the Way to Flooded Water for Climate Resilience
Achievement at a glance
An awareness session is organized on SDG 6 to celebrate Water Day by Institute of International Peace Leaders at meeting hall of Helping Minds Sindh, Pakistan. IIPL experts on SDGs given lecture on the importance of water, hygiene and cleanliness. Implementation of Water Action Agenda by Institute of International Peace Leaders is also discussed. IIPL is committed to work on the SDGs and establishing an SDGs Globe which will provide free of cost training, awareness sessions and courses. SDGs Globe will also help establish partnerships and networks in each country.Today's session is in continuation of our water action agenda.
Challenges faced in implementation
To organize this awareness session and to properly start implementation of IIPL water action agenda, we have not faced any such challenges as Institute of International Peace Leaders is well established entity and we have experienced staff and volunteers to organize such activities and programs.Next Steps
Muhammad Atta Ur RehmanBeneficiaries
The beneficiaries of this awareness session include staff and members of Institute of International Peace Leaders, HelpingMinds, Silent Welfare Organization.
Lectures on SDGs 6 and importance of water.Commitment to properly implement Water Action Agenda.
Future plan to achieve UN Water goals and objectives.