Progress report for
Global Water Data Portal
Achievement at a glance
• Concept note of the Global Water Data Portal finalized, including objectives, critical features and potential partners.• Partnership developed with WMO and UNEP to participate in the Global Water Data Portal.
• Identification of a suitable geospatial platform for the development of the Global Water Data Portal – Hand-in-Hand geospatial platform.
• Presentation of the Global Water Data Portal initiative at the Stockholm World Water Week 2023.
Challenges faced in implementation
• New partners should engage and participate in the Portal to bring expertise and data from additional sectors.• Need to expand the resources mobilized to support the Portal.
Next Steps
• Technical consultation meeting with WMO and UNEP to identify specific data features to develop.• Identification of new partners through UN Water and other mechanisms.
• Design of a prototype of the Global Water Data Portal
• Global knowledge product