Progress report for
European Energy Network (EnR) Working Group on Water-Energy Nexus
Achievement at a glance
The Water-Energy Nexus (WEN) Working Group (WG) ( was established as a formal working group of the European Energy Network (EnR), a network of national energy agencies, at their meeting on March 28th 2023.The WEN WG aims to contribute to introduce and strengthen the issues of water and the water-energy nexus in national and European energy and climate public policy, and to translate policy into action with proposals in the different European countries represented in the network.
The main goals proposed for EnR Water-Energy Nexus Working Group (EnR WEN WG) are to contribute and advocate for the water-energy nexus approach under current and future European and national policies on water, energy, and climate action, fostering stronger connection between these policies at EU and country levels.
The main actions relate to cooperation and advocacy for the nexus in policies and instruments, developing data and monitoring in water efficiency and water energy nexus, developing studies on relevant topics and information and dissemination activities, engaging community, academy and stakeholders.
Since its launch the following actions have been completed:
• WEN WG participatory sessions | July and September 2023
We have held 2 participatory sessions with the working group members to assess EnR Agencies areas of interest under WEN.
• Intertwined task force with the Buildings WG | Ongoing
We have proposed the creation of the 1st intertwined task force to the EnR Buildings Working Group in October 2023 to introduce water efficiency and WEN indicators in national EPCs (Energy Performance Certificates), EPBD, LTRS (Long term renovation strategies) and NBRP (National Building Renovation Plans).
• Webinar “Water-Energy Efficiency Rating Schemes” | March 2024
In this webinar the AQUA+, Water efficiency rating scheme in buildings, developed by ADENE and Climate-Ready Certificates Methodology developed in the B-Water Smart project were presented to EnR members.
• Webinar “The Relevance Of Energy In Addressing Water Scarcity And Financing Mechanisms”
Planned for 10th September 2024.
• Scouting of EU call for an anchor project
We have sent the National Contact Points of several funding programmes, information about the critical importance of considering the WEN in future calls, due to its connection to both climate mitigation and adaptation. The letter, shared among EnR members to target their NCPs, aims to advocate for WEN as a topic in the development of future program calls.
We have scouted LIFE, INTERREG and HORIZON calls but haven´t succeeded yet in submitting a proposal to anchor some activities proposed in the WEN WG.
Challenges faced in implementation
Considering European national energy agencies’ current roles, and their priority focus on energy and energy efficiency, the proposed approach for new EnR WEN WG is to focus on water as a key energy efficiency driver, a critical resource for renewable energy, and a vital part of the energy transition and climate action with WEN to be addressed under three main pillars: the importance of the WEN in energy demand, production and in climate action.The main challenge is to make water efficiency activities a priority for the energy sector agencies and stakeholders, as water is not included in their scope of action and usually considered under the environmental authorities’ remit. A financed anchor project would facilitate the development of activities to achieve the objectives proposed.
Next Steps
Nelson Higino Talambas da Silva LageBeneficiaries
EnR brings together European national energy agencies, aiming at promoting sustainable energy best practices, acting as the ideal forum to address and deepen new topics with relevance and impact on these agencies’ role, as is the case of the water-energy nexus.
The WEN WG convenes 11 National Energy Agencies:
1. ADEME - (France)
2. ADENE - (Portugal)
3. CRES - (Greece)
4. EIHP - (Hungary)
5. ENEA - (Italy)
6. EWA - (Malta)
7. Energy Saving Trust - (UK)
8. Motiva - (Finland)
9. Netherlands Enterprise Agency | RVO - (Netherlands)
10. SIEA -… (Slovenia)
11. Swedish Energy Agency - (Sweeden)
The technical expertise is shared through this diverse network of national energy agencies in Europe, although the work carried out aims to deliver results for society as a whole.
Information and capacity building – webinars and technical training to raise awareness of the importance of WEN not only in the more traditional climate adaptation issues, but also for the energy sector and in climate change mitigationAdvocacy for water in the energy and climate sector – joint letter to funding programmes on the importance of WEN and the need to consider it in future calls