Progress report for
Concern for the environment, environmental education activities with all age groups, increasing the environmental awareness of the population regarding sanitation and careful use of water resources.

Achievement at a glance
in 2023 - Number of events - 28 665; Number of people involved in activities - 1,576,711; Volume of garbage collected - Garbage collected - 146,647.5 m³ The length of the cleared coast is 38 thousand km; International participation - 4 intergovernmental commissions (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Tajikistan) 4 international forums and scientific conferences (participants: China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, etc. ) 4 bilateral environmental agreements (Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia); Number of media mentions - The total number of mentions of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Information and Analytical Center for the Development of Water Resources” in official media is 848 publications. The total number of mentions of the “Water of Russia” campaign in official media is 19,963 publications.Coverages - Media coverage in the media - 127.5 million. Coverage of publications in Promotions accounts on social networks - 5 million people
Next Steps
Vezirov AbilBeneficiaries
Children and youth, Volunteers, Local authorities + Aging (older persons), Business and industry
Volunteer environmental campaigns "Water of Russia" contribute to improving environmental awareness among the population, including attracting the attention of the public and the younger generation to the protection and improvement of the quality of water resources.We try to draw public attention to the protection and improvement of the quality of water resources, to exchange information and experience.