Progress report for
Advanced system for floods and low flow forecasting in the transboundary Sava River Basin
Achievement at a glance
Since the submission, the preparations for the enhancement of the Sava Flood Forecasting and Warning System (FFWS) with improved modelling and warning capabilities and development of low flow forecasting and warning component have been on track. The project will be implemented through the World Bank's Sava and Drina River Corridors Integrated Development Program (SDIP) activities. The drafting of the Terms of Reference (ToR) has been completed including a detailed scope of services related to further development of the system . All requests of the Sava FFWS user organizations, collected through the report on the FFWS functioning, were taken into account, as well as proposals of the GAP analysis prepared within the initial establishment of the system. The ToR have been drafted jointly with the Sava FFWS teams for development and forecasting, reviewed by the relevant Permanent Expert Groups of the Sava River Basin Commission and discussed by the Technical and Steering Groups. The ToR have been then communicated with the FFWS signatories (ministries) and the confirmed version of draft ToR was submitted to the World Bank in December 2023. The final version of the ToR was sent to the WB in February and upon receipt of the "no objection" letter, a public Request for Expression of Interests (REoI) will be launched.Next Steps
Dragan ZeljkoBeneficiaries
The parties to the Framework Agreement on the Save River Basin (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Serbia) and Montenegro, namely their national hydrological and meteorological services, national river navigation systems, and civil protection systems. Since Sava River is a major tributary to the Danube River Basin, the benefits will extend to the downstream riparian countries of that basin.