Progress report for
Accelerating Women's Inclusion in Water
Achievement at a glance
• 100% of ADB committed investments in 2023 are categorized either gender equity theme, effective gender mainstreaming or some gender mainstreaming.• Highlighted in high-level events:
(i) Dedicated session on gender at the United Nations Water Conference. ADB convened a flagship session titled “Accelerating Women’s Inclusion in Water.” ADB’s Managing Director General opening remarks during the session on Accelerating Women’s Inclusion in Water at the UN Conference 2. MDG Remarks.pdf
(ii) Gender inclusion roundtable meeting at the Stockholm World Water Week. ADB convened a closed-door roundtable meeting at the Stockholm World Water Week in August 2023 to accelerate action on gender inclusion noting the disproportionate effect on women and girls of water insecurity, in terms of likelihood of food insecurity, personal safety concerns, vulnerability to disasters, and waterborne disease risks. Presentation by Jess Macarthur of Institute for Sustainable Futures delivered at SWWW2023, Aug 2023:
Water SG Team - 2. UTS-ADB_2023_Gender and water security_Roundtable_21Aug.pdf -
• Ongoing engagement of UNESCO for capacity development program on small island nations specifically focusing on gender, water resources and climate change
• Publications in process:
(i) Gender and Socially Inclusive Public WASH Facilities in Developing Asia and the Pacific
(ii) Gender Equality and Water Security: A Conceptual Framework and Practical Strategies to Accelerate Progress
(iii) The interconnected Nature of Water, Gender and Climate (Case Studies from the Pacific Small Islands Developing State (by UNESCO in collaboration with ADB)
• Video launched as part of the International Women’s Day celebration in March 2023 showcasing ADB’s commitment to promoting actions that accelerate women’s inclusion in water Accelerating Women's Inclusion in Water (
Challenges faced in implementation
At project level, availability of gender-disaggregated data is still a challenge to allow a more straightforward reporting on male and female project beneficiaries. However, monitoring systems in the sector have definitely been enhanced to capture gender-related data.Lack of budget allocation to support implementation of gender action plans and capacity building programs
Next Steps
Fatima Mabor BautistaBeneficiaries
ADB Member Countries
Require inclusion of women/women leader when nominating participants to ADB funded trainings and workshops.ADB funded projects encouraging employment of women
Inclusion of GESI targets in project DMFs
Put in place sustainability mechanisms to ensure continuing involvement of women even after project implementation.