Ms. Dina Dellyana
Coordinator, Global Center of Excellence and International Cooperation for Creative Economy (G-CINC), Indonesia
Ms. Dina Dellyana is Coordinator at the Global Center of Excellence and International Cooperation for Creative Economy (G-CINC), Indonesia. She is a lecturer and business incubator director at the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung (SBM ITB) and head of entrepreneurship development division in LPIK ITB. She is actively involved in several startup development activities as she also become a Mentor in Indigo Creative Nation, Startup development division in MIKTI and head of startup development in west Java’s Chambers of Commerce. She’s also actively conducting research with topics on Business Model Innovation, SME Development, Business Incubator and Social Media and E-commerce for SME’s. She writes many articles in accredited international journal and several book chapters which one of it is “Routledge Handbook of Cultural and Creative Industry in Asia”.