Mr. Sergio Díaz-Granados
Executive President, Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)
Mr. Sergio Díaz-Granados is a prominent Colombian lawyer who currently serves as Executive Director for Colombia in the IDB Group; He has an extensive career in public and private service, both nationally and internationally, with a special emphasis on regional development and integration issues. He has held the positions of Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, Vice Minister of Business Development and President of the Boards of Directors of Bancóldex and ProColombia. He has also been a congressman and chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives. Díaz-Granados is also dean and president of the Coordinating Committee of the Board of Executive Directors of the IDB. He was part of the merger process of the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC / IDB Invest) in 2015. He also supported the approval of the second replenishment of the Multilateral Investment Fund (IDB LAB). As Executive Director, he chaired the IDB Policy and Evaluation Committee between 2016 and 2017, and the IIC / IDB Invest Board of Directors Committee between 2018 and 2019.