Mr. Jean Patrice Ngoyi Kasongo
Member of the Core Group at Together 2030
Mr. Jean Patrice Ngoyi is a Life Fellow of the Nigerian Conservation Foundation, the foremost environment NGO in Nigeria. He has occupied different functions in development and human rights work. Membership of Organizations and Boards include: The National Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace; Sustain Africa Project; Coordination of the Democracy/Budget Monitoring project of the JDPC; member of several Human Rights organizations; Fellow of the 21st Century Trust, UK; Consultant with several Community based and Non-governmental organizations; member of the National Government Committee on the abolition of Death Penalty; member of the Presidential Committee for the assessment and monitoring of the implementation of the MDGs, ASHOKA Social Entrepreneur; member of the CSOs African Working Group; member of the Executive Committee of Beyond 2015 Campaign and co-promoter of Together 2030; and Chairperson of the Governance Committee of SECAM (the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar).