Mabel Bianco
President and founder, Fundacion para Estudio e Investigacion de la Mujer
MD MPH and specialist in Epidemiology and Medical Statics. President and founder of FEIM, an NGO working to improve women's rights since 1989. Co-coordinator of Women Won’t Wait, a global campaign to eliminate VAW and HIV and Director of the Latin American and the Caribbean Women Health Network (1991- 1999). She attended the Río Conference in 1992, Cairo Conference in 1994 and Beijing Conference in 1995 and did their follow up. In 2000/2001 she was Chief of the HIV/AIDS National Program in MOH and Coordinator of WB Project. Member of UNAIDS Reference group on HIV and HR (2002-2011). She was twice elected as NGO member of UNAIDS PCB. Member of Civil Society Regional Advisory Committee UNWOMEN till 2016. Since 2012, Co-Chair of the CONGO CSW LAC. Member of WMG since 2014. Awarded by the Argentinian MOH, Women Deliver and Newsweek recognized her as one of the “150 women that moved the world” and in 2017 by NGO CSW NY as “Distinguished Woman of the Year”. In 2019 she was included by the BBC as one of 100 Influencers and in 2020 by Politicals. She is author and editor of 10 books and more than 150 papers and articles. She was the founder and coordinator of the Women's Human Rights Defenders for G20 Observatory's as part of the W20 and local coordinator of the C20 Gender Group for the G20 Argentina 2018. She has been elected as Women’s Mayor Group WMG Organizing Partner for Latin America and the Caribbean for period 2019-2020. In 2021 was elected CoChair of the MGoS Coordination Mechanism.