H.E. Mr. John McLaughlin
Deputy Minister, Education and Early Childhood Development, Canada
John McLaughlin is Deputy Minister of New Brunswick’s Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (Anglophone Sector). He is also President and CEO of Atlantic Education International, a government agency that oversees, plans for and directs international education opportunities and programmes for the Province of New Brunswick. Over the course of his career, he has also been a teacher, Director of Education, Superintendent of Schools, and Assistant Deputy Minister. He holds his Masters of Education and Bachelor of Education degrees from the University of New Brunswick, and his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Waterloo. His areas of professional interest include literacy education, indigenous education, international education, personalised learning and global citizenship. He currently represents CMEC on two OECD committees, the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, and the Education Policy Committee (EDPC), on which he serves as a member of the governing bureau. He is also the chair of the Board of Atlantic Education International, and a member of the boards of Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority and New Brunswick Elementary Literacy Foundation.