Freda Korarome
Mushroom Expert and Coordinator Eco forestry
Trainer Innovative Agriculture & Financial Literacy
Eastern Highlands Provincial Administration,
Papua New Guinea
I am an ambitious enthusiastic person with the passion to explore and develop agriculture through innovative ways. I have facilitated and conducted trainings with the aim of improving traditional agriculture into simple modern agriculture taking into considerations the health and economic benefits and environment protection. I am also a Financial Literacy Trainer conducting training on household Money Management (Savings & Budgeting) for local communities.
My Expertise include;
· Converting grass into substrate for growing edible mushrooms thus adding value to the grass.
· Creating conducive environment for mushroom cultivation all year round.
· Using grass as fodder to feed pigs, ruminants and chicken thus greatly minimizing intake of commercial feed, cost effective and healthier produce.
· Using the grass to rehabilitate flood plains, mine site rehabilitation, erosion control etc.
· Techniques on upland rice cultivation.
· Provide Financial Literacy training on Money Management, household Savings and Budgeting
Education Background
Bachelor Degree in Forest Science, PNG University of Technology.
Certificate in Training Course of Juncao Technology for Developing Countries, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University (FAFU), China.
Telephone: 675 5321233
Whatsapp#: 675 72311435