Anastasia Holoboff
Senior Legal Advisor, Women Enabled International
Anastasia Holoboff is the Senior Legal Advisor at Women Enabled International, where she conducts research, drafts publications, and implements inclusive programming projects addressing the intersection of disability rights and gender rights and inclusive service provision. Anastasia was the primary author of the UNFPA and WEI publication, Women and Young People with Disabilities: Guidelines for Providing Rights-Based and Gender-Responsive Services to Address GBV and SRHR, available in six languages and accessible formats. Since its publication, Anastasia has been involved globally in implementation projects focused on disability inclusion, including conducting workshops for over 370 stakeholders worldwide and leading needs assessment research on inclusive services in Samoa. Prior to joining WEI, Anastasia served as a Staff Attorney in the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities program at Disability Rights New York. Anastasia graduated magna cum laude from Cardozo School of Law in 2014, where she was awarded the Telford Taylor Award for Outstanding Achievement in the fields of Constitutional Law and Human Rights.