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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Announcement: Call for contributions to update the concept papers and confirmation of interest to be co-chairs of the interactive dialogues of the 2022 UN Ocean Conference

As the Secretariat of the 2022 UN Ocean Conference has resumed the preparation of the concept papers on the themes of the eight interactive dialogues, the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Liu Zhenmin would like to invite another round of contributions from Member States to update the concept papers with the latest COVID-related data and analysis in the status and trends, challenges and opportunities, possible areas for new partnerships as well as recommendations on advancing implementation of SDG 14. 

The USG would also like to renew the invitation for an expression/reconfirmation of interest, if any, of Member States' high-level official to serve as a co-chair for any of the eight interactive dialogues.

It would be greatly appreciated if the contributions of concept papers and co-chair proposals could be sent, in English, to the Secretariat no later than 15 February 2022.

USG Letter_All Member States_2022 Ocean Conference and Interactive Dialogues

Draft outline for the concept papers of the interactive dialogues