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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Aligning the Development Plans of Kuwait with the 2030 Agenda.
Description of commitment

• Investing in women and girls:
Numerous policies, regulations, and laws have been enacted in Kuwait to ensure that women receive the necessary attention and support to fulfill their individual, social, and familial roles, while also safeguarding their social, economic, and political rights. At the legislative level, nearly 13 laws and decrees have been put in place to provide support for women across various sectors, including education (1956/1), civil and labor laws (2010/6), the rights of individuals with disabilities (2010/8), and others. Kuwait has also affirmed its commitment to gender equality by ratifying several international conventions, including CEDAW (the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) and the International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

• Making the digital transformation work for everyone:
The Government Work Programme in Kuwait is prioritizing the swift implementation of development projects to accelerate progress towards achieving both Agenda 2030 and Vision 2035. A key early focus has been on digital transformation and the adoption of electronic government services.Within the Ministry of Justice, several projects are currently underway or in planning to facilitate this shift towards electronic services. These projects include the adoption of electronic government support for the justice sector, substantial progress in the electronic imaging system for documents and files, ongoing development of the marriage and divorce electronic system, and the establishment of a single window project for real estate registration management.

The General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development (GSSCPD) is working on developing an index to measure imbalances in program implementation, aiming to enhance resilience to economic shocks, partly based on a study by the Central Bank of Kuwait on economic recovery indicators in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the digital domain, Kuwait is actively developing broadcasting and digital archiving platforms, along with expanding its optical fiber network. Regarding the power supply industry, efforts have been made to increase the production capacity of Electric Power and Water Distillation stations, particularly in the south regions. Mechanized control systems for monitoring gas emissions have also been installed, and industrial enterprises are legally required to conduct environmental impact assessments to mitigate environmental impacts, including gaseous pollutant emissions.

• Investing in peace:
Kuwait is deeply committed to promoting international dialogue as a means to address global challenges. Its core objectives include expanding international cooperation for peace, supporting nations, and actively working towards the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Kuwait also has ambitious targets for environmental conservation, emissions reduction by 2030, and a transition to renewable energy in alignment with the Paris Agreement.
On the global and regional stage, Kuwait plays a significant role in advancing peace, security, and addressing common interests among nations. The country has achieved notable progress in various aspects of SDG16 and holds a strong global peace ranking, standing 39th worldwide and second in the MENA region on the Global Peace Index.

Kuwait places a strong emphasis on constitutional, legislative, and policy measures to ensure public access to information and uphold principles of transparency. It has also established the National Bureau for Human Rights to safeguard human rights, and it actively opposes racism and religious hatred through its Constitution and domestic laws.
In the cultural sphere, Kuwait's National Council for Culture, Arts, and Literature has developed a strategic plan for 2023-2028, aimed at promoting youth engagement, cultural diversity, intergenerational communication, safety for writers and journalists, cultural revitalization, and investment in cultural diplomacy.
Additionally, Kuwait's Public Authority for Sports (PAS) has crafted a sustainability-focused strategy for 2022-2028, and the State Audit Bureau works diligently to ensure financial integrity and proper rule and regulation implementation. It has also partnered with various entities and signed an MoU with the Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority (Nazaha).

• Accelerating access to energy for all and the shift to renewables:
- Kuwait is committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, following its announcement during the COP27 Summit in Egypt in 2022. This commitment is based on a national circular economy strategy. The banking sector is set to play a pivotal role by financing development projects aligned with Kuwait 2035's focus on economic diversification, including support for renewable energy, alternative sources, and clean technology initiatives. Recognizing the need for an updated energy strategy, the government is investing in enhanced energy efficiency through a three-pronged approach. This includes implementing national energy efficiency plans, raising awareness about cleaner energy adoption, and reducing subsidies. Additionally, Kuwait plans to establish a center dedicated to carbon footprint reduction and recycling. They are also exploring the production of blue hydrogen from natural gas and petroleum to advance toward sustainable energy. In 2016, Kuwait enacted a law increasing tariffs for electricity and water consumption, promoting responsible usage. Kuwait aims to boost the share of renewables in its electricity generation mix from 1 percent to 15 percent by 2030, leveraging its abundant solar and wind resources. Five projects are in progress to achieve this goal. The first phase of the "Shaqaya Complex for Renewable Energy" was completed in 2018, with a capacity of 70 megawatts, and the second phase, with a capacity of 4000 megawatts, is expected to conclude by 2025 in partnership with the Ministry of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy and KISR. Four more projects are in various stages of preparation, with completion anticipated between 2024 and 2030, albeit with some delays due to pandemic-related challenges. Top of Form
- Target 9.4 is progressing positively and is anticipated to be met by 2030. This optimism is based on the consistent decline in CO2 emissions per unit of value-added manufacturing since 2016. The most recent data, updated in 2019, showed a reduction of 0.43 percentage points.

• Aligning trade policies with the SDGs
By aligning its trade policies with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Kuwait is making a commitment to prioritize several key areas for transition and investment which is part of its seven pillars. Vision 2035 (New Kuwait) aims to transform Kuwait into a financial and commercial hub for the region by the year 2035. There are seven pillars across Vision 2035 which is integrated with the 17 sustainable development goals.
These commitments and priority areas focus on ensuring sustainable economic growth, social development, and environmental protection. Here are the key priority transitions and areas for investment that Kuwait will have by aligning trade policies with the SDGs:

1. Economic Diversification: Kuwait will commit to diversifying its economy which is the focus of its second pillars to foster a thriving and diversified economy to diminish the nation's reliance on income generated from oil exports. The transition involves investment in non-oil sectors such as renewable energy, and information technology, this aligns with SDGs related to economic growth (SDG 8) and industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9).
2. Inclusive Economic Growth: Kuwait's commitment to inclusive economic growth will require investments in education, healthcare, and vocational training to ensure that the benefits of economic development are accessible to all. Which is also linked to pillar six: Human Capital which is to reform the educational system to equip young individuals more effectively to be competitive and valuable contributors to the labor market. These efforts align with SDGs related to quality education (SDG 4), gender equality (SDG 5), reducing inequality (SDG 10), decent work and economic growth (SDG 8).
o Quality Education: Kuwait will invest in providing quality education, from primary to higher education, to equip its citizens with the skills and knowledge needed for a rapidly changing world.
o Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: Kuwait will prioritize gender equality in the workplace, supporting women's participation and empowerment.
3. Healthcare and Well-being: Investment in healthcare infrastructure, pharmaceuticals, and medical technology is essential for improving the overall well-being and health of the population. Which is also aligned to pillar five (Healthcare): to enhance the quality of services and cultivate domestic capabilities in the public healthcare system at a reasonable cost. This aligns with SDGs related to good health and well-being (SDG 3).
4. Infrastructure Development: Investment in infrastructure, including transportation, logistics, and communication networks, is vital for trade facilitation. This aligns with pillar three (Infrastructure): "Enhancing and modernizing the country's infrastructure to improve the overall well-being of its citizens." Upgrading and expanding infrastructure aligns with SDGs related to industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9) and sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11).
o Digital Transformation and Innovation: The commitment to embracing digitalization and fostering innovation will require investments in technology infrastructure, research and development, and skills development. This aligns with SDGs related to industry, innovation, and infrastructure (SDG 9) and decent work and economic growth (SDG 8). Which is also linked to Pillar three (infrastructure) and Pillar six (Human Capital).
5. Environmental Sustainability: Kuwait will invest in sustainable practices, including clean energy, sustainable agriculture, and environmentally responsible technologies. This aligns with pillar four (Living environment) These efforts are aligned with SDGs related to clean energy (SDG 7), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), climate action (SDG 13), and life on land (SDG 15).
o Sustainable Agriculture: Kuwait will prioritize sustainable agriculture practices to ensure food security and reduce food waste, contributing to SDGs related to zero hunger (SDG 2) and responsible consumption and production (SDG 12).
6. Trade Partnerships for Sustainability: Kuwait's commitment to responsible trade policies involves engaging in partnerships and trade agreements that support sustainable development, labor standards, and environmental protection. This aligns with SDGs related to partnerships for the goals (SDG 17) and responsible consumption and production (SDG 12).
In addition, Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority (KDIPA) remains committed to promoting sustainability by aligning with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) principles for sustainable development. They also endorse the UNCTAD Global Action Menu for Investment Facilitation, which emphasizes social, economic, environmental, and governance aspects of sustainability. KDIPA's first strategy significantly contributed to four of Vision 2035's seven main pillars, particularly focusing on fostering a sustainable and diverse economy through sixteen of its twenty-nine projects.
7. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Kuwait will encourage businesses to adopt CSR practices and integrate sustainability into their operations. This aligns with SDGs related to responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) and partnerships for the goals (SDG 17).
In addition, Boursa Kuwait's commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainable business practices is evident through the development of its Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting guide. This guide is designed to empower Kuwaiti listed companies in disclosing their ESG practices and corporate sustainability efforts. It aligns with Kuwait's sustainable development goals, as outlined in Kuwait Vision and the "New Kuwait 2035" National Development Plan, including the ambitious target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. Boursa Kuwait's initiative further corresponds with international sustainability frameworks, such as the Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative (SSE) and the World Federation of Exchanges' recommendations. By offering flexibility and acknowledging the uniqueness of each company's business model, Boursa Kuwait supports the customization of ESG practices. This dedication to transparency and sustainability showcases Kuwait's commitment to meeting the evolving needs of stakeholders, including investors, customers, suppliers, and regulators in the realm of CSR and ESG reporting.
By committing to these transitions and areas for investment, Kuwait aims to promote economic growth, social development, environmental sustainability, and responsible trade practices that are in line with the SDGs. These investments will help Kuwait contribute to achieving the global goals while securing a prosperous and sustainable future for its citizens.

• Securing food, water and sanitation systems:
- Food security:
Kuwait Vision 2035’s and it’s Seven Pillars, Incorporating All Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. The Creative human capital pillar is linked to SDG 2 End hunger, achieve food security to promote sustainable agriculture which makes it a priority of Kuwait.
Kuwait has made a dedicated effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, with a particular focus on ensuring food security. Exceptional measures were implemented to guarantee food availability by aligning with market dynamics, consumer preferences, and by actively engaging the private sector. The Ministerial Coronavirus Emergency Committee streamlined entry visas for activities related to food security, including work permits, commercial visit visas, and other essential sectors like agriculture, food production, and retail. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry conducted a study on managing and overseeing strategic food storage areas to bolster food security. Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA) explored the feasibility of establishing a state enterprise to manage these storage areas. The Government Performance Follow-Up Authority produced a report concerning the allocation of resources for these strategic food storage locations. In response to the United Nations Secretary General's call, Kuwait organized two stages of the National Food Systems Dialogue between March and May 2021. This dialogue brought together stakeholders from the public, private, and non-governmental sectors, emphasizing the need for a national food system roadmap. This roadmap aims to enhance the nutritional well-being of school-aged children and address food loss and waste.

Water and sanitation systems:
Recent data from Kuwait's Central Statistical Bureau demonstrates that from 2016 to 2022, the entire population has consistently had access to safe and high-quality drinking water services (target 6.1). The same positive trend applies to target 6.2, which focuses on the proportion of the population using well-managed sanitation services, including proper hand-washing facilities with soap and water, up to 2022.
Despite the government's unwavering commitment to providing clean and affordable water sustainably to all residents, Kuwait faces challenges related to declining groundwater levels, with a renewal rate of less than 70mm/year. The increasing demand for water, driven by population growth and an expanding user base, has added to these challenges. To address this, the government has taken measures to source groundwater from neighboring regions and has initiated seawater desalination projects.
To meet the rising demand, Kuwait is executing a two-phase "water desalination project" as follows:
• The first phase involves the establishment and operation of the Doha seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant, with provisions to improve the alkalinity of the produced water. As of now, 90% of Phase I has been successfully completed.
• The second phase aims to produce potable water for all consumers in Kuwait, with a focus on generating approximately 60 million imperial gallons of fresh water per day. This expansion aims to ensure an adequate water supply to meet the growing demands of both industrial and urban sectors. The completion of both phases is expected by the end of 2024.

National benchmark for reducing poverty and inequality by 2027

Kuwait has a rich history of prioritizing welfare and social protection, deeply ingrained in its 1960 Constitution, which emphasizes the well-being of all its citizens. The social welfare system has long been dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and addressing the needs of various segments of society, with a particular emphasis on those who require support. This approach is rooted in principles of social justice and cohesion.

Government efforts have been directed towards multiple areas, including childhood and youth, the elderly, women, families, individuals with special needs, and those with disabilities. The goal is not only to improve the overall well-being of the population but also to empower them to become productive and fulfilled members of society, both socially and economically.

It's noteworthy that the Ministry of Social Affairs has implemented a universal insurance system for individuals, emphasizing social development and care, which is a top priority for the Ministry. This system is electronically linked with state agencies responsible for poverty alleviation.

In terms of SDG 1.a (total official development assistance grants focused on poverty reduction as a percentage of the recipient country's gross national income), Kuwait has launched various humanitarian and philanthropic initiatives to support impoverished nations. This commitment to humanitarian action has earned Kuwait the title of "The Country of Humanitarian Action."

Strengthening of national planning and institutional frameworks to support commitment

Kuwait leads in offering free education, advanced healthcare, ensuring food security, and supporting social safety nets, gender equality, and women's empowerment. The country places a strong emphasis on addressing energy, water, environmental concerns, urban development, and infrastructure. Major national projects are developed in collaboration with the private sector, following principles of governance and transparency. Even in the face of global economic challenges, political and military consequences, financial crises, and the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kuwait maintains its unwavering commitment to providing international assistance to vulnerable and least developed nations.

Kuwait places a strong emphasis on its development plans, making them a top priority, with the integration of the 2030 Agenda into these plans since 2015. The development plan comprises 9 programs and 7 fundamental pillars, and the 17 sustainable development goals have been integrated with these 7 pillars.
In addition, the permanent national steering committee for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals was formed in 2017, headed by the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development, and its membership consists of the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development, Kuwait Central Statistical Bureau, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The most important objectives of the committee are to follow up and implement the 2030 Agenda for the sustainable development goals of the State of Kuwait and to prepare and issue national reports on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.
For further details, you can refer to the New Kuwait website (

Ares of strengthened institutional frameworks

Strengthening the capacities of local and subnational governments to advance the SDGs , Boosting transparency and access to information, Strengthening national statistical systems

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Action Network
Type of initiative
National Commitment to SDG Transformation
Member State
Geographic scope
Key priority transitions
Investing in women and girls, Making the digital transformation work for everyone, Investing in peace, Accelerating access to energy for all and the shift to renewables, Securing food, water and sanitation systems, Aligning trade policies with the SDGs
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