Webinar: An Introduction to Stakeholder Engagement in the 2030 Agenda
Webinar Series on Stakeholder Engagement
Module 1: An Introduction to Stakeholder Engagement in the 2030 Agenda
The process of formulating the 2030 Agenda was one of the most inclusive in the history of
intergovernmental negotiations at the UN. It certainly lived up to the legacy of Agenda 21, and the
precedents it set for ensuring that all stakeholders in society are included in the work of creating,
implementing, and reviewing sustainable development policy. As the world moves quickly towards
the year 2030 and the sustainability deadlines set by the agenda, it is critical that governments and
stakeholders work together in partnership to further ensure progress is made on achieving the goals
and targets of the framework.
This first installment of the webinar series will provide an introduction to stakeholder engagement in
the 2030 Agenda, a bit of history, and specific references to the sections and text of the agenda where
stakeholder engagement plays a particularly important role. Participants will gain knowledge of key
concepts related to stakeholder participation in formulating, implementing, and reviewing policies
related to sustainable development and the SDGs, and obtain a better understanding of the Voluntary
National Review (VNR) process.
All are invited to participate, especially representatives of governments and civil society organizations
engaged in work around sustainable development.
Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/r68t33e43YyfyEwj1