Webinar 2: Synergies for Just Transitions and Economic Recovery
Thu 11 Jun 2020, 10.00 am
Webinar 2 will focus on the trends and thematic opportunities that countries can tap to realize “quick wins” and lay the ground for long term climate & SDG co-benefits. Using examples, speakers will suggest the policies, stimulus & financing measures needed to enable a better & faster recovery to Covid-19, by accelerating just transitions to sustainable development that leave no one behind.
- How can stimulus & recovery measures be designed to improve lives now; and maximize climate & SDG co-benefits over a longer term?
- What measures hold the most potential for impact?
- What emerging shifts in human behavior, markets and finance offer opportunities?
- What is being done to enable green, inclusive recovery in low-income countries? What action is needed? How can Paris Agreement and SDG processes be leveraged?
Watch Webinar 2 Recording
Programme & Speakers
- David Koranyi, UN DESA
- Livia Hollins, UNFCCC 2. Panel: Levers of Economic Recovery and a Just Transition to Sustainable Development
Panel moderated by Leena Srivastava, Deputy Director General for Science, IIASA
- Rabia Ferroukhi, IRENA Director of Knowledge, Policy and Finance Presentation
IRENA’s Call for a Green Recovery Based on Renewables and assessment of the falling costs of renewables - Yvon Slingenberg, Director of the European Commission’s Department for Climate
Highlighted climate and SDG synergies in the European Green Deal - Jesus Felipe, Asian Development Bank, Senior Economic Advisor Moustapha
Spoke to the ADB Covid-19 Policy Database a collection of key measures underway to combat COVID-19, classified by how they work through the financial system and affect the financing of different sectors. - Kamal Gueye, ILO Coordinator of the Green Jobs Programme Presentation
For more on the ILO Green Jobs Programme, visit - Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, UNDP Director of Global Environmental Finance Presentation
For more, see UNDP’s 2019 publication Pathways for Increasing Nature-Based Solutions in NDCs - Janene Natasha Yazzie, International Indian Treaty Council, UN MGoS
- David Waskow, WRI Director of International Climate Action
Offered guidance drawing on WRI’s resources on Building Back Better
Enhancing NDCs: A Guide to Strengthening National Climate Plans - Sheila Oparaocha, ENERGIA Presentation
Find the 2020 SDG 7 Policy Briefs at the SDG7 TAG website - Maaike de Langen, Pathfinders for Justice, NYU Center on International Cooperation
Spoke to legal empowerment as vital for Just Transitions, drawing on publication: Justice for All and the Public Health Emergency