Strategy Development Workshop 15/15/15 Global Civil Society Resource Mobilization Alliance
Vienna International Center
The workshop is based on the work of Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation and aims to outline and discuss envisaged elements (‘Global Civil Society Resource Mobilization Alliance' and ‘Global Forum on Innovative Resource Mobilization for Education and Science') for the implementation of Rio+20 15/15/15 United Nations – Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Voluntary Commitment… (global civil society committing on the one hand to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the year 2015 for sustainable development efforts linked with UN system and requesting new forms of participation in global sustainable development governance in exchange) which has been adopted at an IAAI side event at Rio+20 conference 14 June 2012.
One of the main aims of this meeting is to identify potential additional partners (CSOs, foundations, individual philanthropists, UN entities, Member States, ..) to join some kind of Action Committee and to discuss implementation steps for ReMA and 15/15/15 initiative:
o Defining the governance structure of the initiatives (ReMA and 15/15/15)
o Concept development as a collaborative/open innovation process (e.g. using openIDEO)
o mobilizing Social venture capital for the initial phase of the initiative (foundations, philanthropists, social entrepreneurs (social impact investment), ..)
o conducting a global needs assessment (identifying social impact investment opportunities focusing on capacity building for Sustainable Development (including Education and Science), funding of civil society participation in UN system (focus on youth) and establishing of local Multistakeholder partnerships (Global Challenges Centers)
o preparing a global media and fundraising campaign (including High Profile Fundraising Event(s) in Klagenfurt, NY, ..; celebrities (Klagenfurt Talks on Global Challenges and Innovation, GYMC ..))
o conceptualizing a global Multistakeholder sustainable development efforts documentation system (15/15/15 Registry / Global Commons Growth Information System, .. )
- International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee/Austria (in the context of Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation)
- Academic Council on the United Nations System, ACUNS - Vienna Liaison Office
in cooperation with
- United Nations Information Service (UNIS) Vienna
web-broadcasting and virtual participation:
Ustream & skype