Special event 3: Roundtable of STI innovators, funders and other supporters
Wed 06 Jun 2018, 1.15 pm — Wed 03 Feb 2021, 1.30 pm
Conference Room 7, UNHQ
The session, in collaboration with the International Academic Forum (IAFOR), will bring together innovators and entrepreneurs, those interested in financing solutions with positive impact for sustainable development, and those who develop the policies. Representatives from the finance industry, foundations, institutional and individual investors, investment professionals, development finance institutions, and civil society will be invited to attend.
Moderators: Dr. Joseph Haldane, Chairman and CEO, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) & Guest Professor, The Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University, Japan and Ms. Amber Nystrom - Co-Founding Principal, 5th Element Group
Welcome remarks: H.E. Dr. Toshiya Hoshino, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
- Mr. Aliyu Abbati Abdulhameed - Managing Director, Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL)
- Ms. Alfa Demmellash - Co-founder and CEO, Rising Tide Capital
- Mr. William Doll - Founding Partner, Syneidesis
- Mr. Ashish Gadnis - Founder & CEO, BanQu
- Ms. Fan Gao - Senior Vice President and Overseas Compliance Director, CreditEase, China
- Ms. Pamela Jacobs - Executive Managing Director, Impact Investing - Envestnet, Inc
- Mr. Vincent Molinari - Co-Founder Liquid Markets Group; Co-Founder, Templum; Chair, Fifth Element Fund; Co-Founder, 5th Element Group
- Mr. Todd Morley - Founder & Chairman, G2 Investment Group, Co-founder, Y2X
- Ms. Janet C. Salazar - CEO & Co-founder, IMPACT Leadership 21
- Mr. Masaya Mori, Global Head of Rakuten Institute of Technology
- Mr. Masahiko Honma, Founder and General Partner, Incubate Fund
- Selected innovators
Moderators: Dr. Joseph Haldane, Chairman and CEO, The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) & Guest Professor, The Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University, Japan and Ms. Amber Nystrom - Co-Founding Principal, 5th Element Group
Welcome remarks: H.E. Dr. Toshiya Hoshino, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
- Mr. Aliyu Abbati Abdulhameed - Managing Director, Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL)
- Ms. Alfa Demmellash - Co-founder and CEO, Rising Tide Capital
- Mr. William Doll - Founding Partner, Syneidesis
- Mr. Ashish Gadnis - Founder & CEO, BanQu
- Ms. Fan Gao - Senior Vice President and Overseas Compliance Director, CreditEase, China
- Ms. Pamela Jacobs - Executive Managing Director, Impact Investing - Envestnet, Inc
- Mr. Vincent Molinari - Co-Founder Liquid Markets Group; Co-Founder, Templum; Chair, Fifth Element Fund; Co-Founder, 5th Element Group
- Mr. Todd Morley - Founder & Chairman, G2 Investment Group, Co-founder, Y2X
- Ms. Janet C. Salazar - CEO & Co-founder, IMPACT Leadership 21
- Mr. Masaya Mori, Global Head of Rakuten Institute of Technology
- Mr. Masahiko Honma, Founder and General Partner, Incubate Fund
- Selected innovators