Session 8: Supporting the implementation of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism – the way forward for joint action
Wed 06 Jun 2018, 12.00 pm — Wed 03 Feb 2021, 12.00 pm
Conference Room 4, UNHQ
This session will present a number of initiatives from across the world that support the science-based, solution-oriented, multi-stakeholder and collaborative approach of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM) including discussions on broadening their impacts and making them self-sustaining.
Moderator: Ms. Heide Hackmann, Executive Director, International Council for Science (ICSU)
● Mr. Alfred Watkins, Chair, Global Solutions Summit, USA ● Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo, Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), Vienna, Austria ● Mr. Dirk Fransaer, Global Sustainable Technology and Innovation Conference (G-STIC), and Managing Director VITO, Brussels, Belgium ● Mr. Rafat Al-Akhal, Pathways for Prosperity: Commission on Technology and Inclusive Development
Co-Chaired by:
- H.E. Mr. Juan Sandoval-Mendiolea, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations
- H.E. Dr Toshiya Hoshino, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations
Moderator: Ms. Heide Hackmann, Executive Director, International Council for Science (ICSU)
● Mr. Alfred Watkins, Chair, Global Solutions Summit, USA ● Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo, Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), Vienna, Austria ● Mr. Dirk Fransaer, Global Sustainable Technology and Innovation Conference (G-STIC), and Managing Director VITO, Brussels, Belgium ● Mr. Rafat Al-Akhal, Pathways for Prosperity: Commission on Technology and Inclusive Development