SDGs and 2030 Agenda- synergic initiatives, sustianable investments and inclusive incentives for resilient communities: The Romanian priorities for partnerships
Mon 16 Jul 2018, 1.00 pm — Wed 03 Feb 2021, 4.00 pm
Board Room, Herzfeld & Rubin, PC 125 Broad Street
Government of Romania and BJD Reinsurance Consulting
By invitation only; express interest here:
Keywords for the event: Cities sustainable development, Urban Resilience, Populations and Demography, Financial Protection, Education on 2030 Agenda and SDG Literacy, Inclusive Insurance and Health Coverage, Public Sector Insurability, Climate Risk Management, Enhancing Durable Recovery, Increasing Resilience Technology, Investments & Innovations, Indicators and many more linked to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 Targets with a particular focus on Goals 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 17 and all targets attached!
1:00 pm Participants’ arrival & registration
1:30 pm Organizers’ Welcome Address
- Mr. Bogdan J. Dumitrescu, Founder & CEO, BJD Reinsurance Consulting, LLC – Organization in Consultative Status with ECOSOC, Ambassador of the International Insurance Society to Europe
- Mr. Mark A. Meyer, Chairman of the Romanian American Chamber of Commerce - Partner, Herzfeld & Rubin P.C.
1:40 pm Ambassador and Consul General Welcome Address
- H.E. Mr. Ion Jinga, Ambassador of Romania to the United Nations
- Hon. Calin Radu Dancu Consul General of Romania in New York, Consulate General of Romania in New York
1:50 pm Romanian Government official’s preliminary remarks
- H.E. Mrs. Gratiela L. Gravilescu, Deputy Prime-Minister of the Government of Romania, Minister of Environment
2:00 pm Romanian Government & Romania’s Delegation to HLPF2018
- Mr. Laszlo Borbely, State Counsellor, Coordinator of the Department for Sustainable Development, Secretariat General of the Government
o Revision of the National Sustainable Development Strategy of Romania - Recent actions (Embassy SDG Bucharest, Public Debates with Regional SD Departments, Academic communities, NGO representatives…) and priorities for the future (Romania’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union, First Semester 2019, 9th of April, Romania will host a ministerial meeting in Bucharest on the topic “Agenda 2030: Partnerships for Sustainable Development”)
- Mr. Cornel Brezuica, President of the Environment Fund Administration
o Investments and programs for enabling a sustainable economy
- Mr. Bogdan Andrei Toader, President of the Prahova County Council
o Contribution from local authorities in the implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Mrs. Luminita Ghita, Head of Sustainable Development Unit, Minister of Environment, Coordinator of VNR
o Romania’s Voluntary National Review
3:00 pm Keynote
- Pr. Jeffrey D. Sachs, Professor of Economics, Columbia University - Earth Institute - Center for Sustainable Development – to be confirmed
3:30 pm American and Romanian business community
- Mark Meyer, Chairman of the Romanian American Chamber of Commerce
- Mr. Elias Wexler, President of the Romanian American Chamber of Commerce in New York
3:45 pm United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction
- Mr. Bogdan J. Dumitrescu, Member of the Private Sector Alliance for Resilience Society (ARISE)
4:00 pm Open discussion & Q&A with participants
o Implementation of SDGs and indicators
o Presentation on main themes of interest: infrastructures, transport, energy, health, climate impact…
o Partnerships for sound legacy to next generations
4:50 pm Conclusion
5:00 pm End of the session