Enhancing the global partnership for sustainable development: Country-level frameworks for resilient multi-stakeholder partnerships
Tue 17 Jul 2018, 8.15 am — Wed 03 Feb 2021, 8.30 am
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea, 335 East 45th Street
Hosted by Bangladesh and the Republic of Korea
About the side-event: Effective multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) help ensure that all development resources are used effectively, capitalising on the comparative advantage and contribution of every stakeholder
group and sharing technology and knowledge to support achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The comprehensive and ambitious goals require cross-sectoral actions of various partners with different talents and innovative tools. Therefore, it is important to promote inclusive dialogue and joint work through strengthened multi-stakeholder partnerships. However, 81% of countries that participated in the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation’s 2016 monitoring process, which measures country-level progress in implementing the development effectiveness principles of country ownership, a focus on results, inclusive partnerships and transparency and mutual accountability, reported a lack of instruments and
policies for public-private dialogue. The state of play from the last round of Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) mirrors these findings, with many countries facing challenges in consolidating effective multi-stakeholder engagement, particularly facilitating meaningful stakeholder participation and maintaining collaborative relationships. The objective of the side event is to generate evidence-based dialogue around strengthening
inclusive institutional frameworks at the country level. The discussion will facilitate exchange on
how country-level multi-stakeholder partnerships can help implement the SDGs, and how they
might be reflected in VNRs.
Please RSVP by 13 July using the following link:
PLEASE NOTE: You are required to RSVP and present photo ID to gain access to the premises.
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