Developing effective genuine and durable partnerships for Small Island Developing States
Tue 30 Oct 2018, 8.00 am — Wed 03 Feb 2021, 8.00 am
Apolima Room
A key request from the outcome of the 2014 Third International Conference on SIDS - the SAMOA Pathway - was the establishment of the SIDS Partnership Framework, designed to monitor progress of existing, and stimulate the launch of new, genuine and durable partnerships for the sustainable development of SIDS.
In order to foster the development of effective genuine and durable partnerships for SIDS, it is crucial to raise the capacity of stakeholders in SIDS in the development and design of partnerships, and to build an enabling environment for partnering, which includes building up institutional capacities, a convening and supporting infrastructure, and a policy environment that together can help mainstreaming collaboration.
UN-DESA has organized partnership dialogues in the margins of the inter-governmental preparatory meetings of the SAMOA Pathway Midterm Review with the overall objective to advance the SAMOA Pathway and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in SIDS by increasing the capacity of stakeholders in forging new, genuine and durable multi-stakeholder partnerships, and strengthening the monitoring and review process of partnerships in SIDS.
A key outcome of these dialogue will be the SIDS Partnership Toolbox, which will be presented as a draft during the inter-regional Samoa Partnership Dialogue, held on 29 October 2018 in Apia, Samoa.
The one-hour side event will outline critical elements for developing partnerships, and present the online tools from the Toolbox.