Combining Digital Governance and Stakeholder Knowledge to Promote Innovation and Transformative Actions in Support of the 2030 Agenda
Wed 18 Jul 2018, 6.30 pm — Wed 03 Feb 2021, 7.00 pm
Ecosoc Chamber, UNHQ
Permanent Mission of Ireland to the UN, University College Dublin, IMF, UN-DESA Statistics Division
The world is becoming digital. Governments are following suit, using digital tools for public service delivery. Professor Jeffrey Sachs in his Keynote Address at HLPF 2018 Opening Session pointed to six key transformations that can enable us to achieve the SDGs. Among these, digital technologies and e-governance were identified as a key transformation for implementing the SDGs.
The side’s event will deep dive into a range of digital innovations could be used by government to help create sustainable development pathways at all levels.
We will hear from the IMF about how digital technologies have been adopted by governments and used for fiscal policy and public service delivery. This talk will be delivered by Geneviève Verdier, Deputy Division Chief, IMF Fiscal Affairs Department.
The second presentation by Enda Murphy is from UCD, an Irish EPA funded project, will explore how digital platforms could open up government institutions to stakeholder groups and power up partnerships to achieve the SDGs.
In the third presentation Thanos Giannakopoulos, Chief of the United Nations Dag Hammarskjöld Library, will outline an array of digital technologies that support the work of the UN system and beyond to achieve the SDGs.
There is a need for all of us in all of walks of life, including government officials, to update our sustainable education. Chandrika Bahadur, UN SDSN, will take us through the online resources and courses offered by the SDG Academy for continued professional development, education and skill formation. We are aware that via UCD Open Learning courses, anyone in Ireland can enroll in credited SDG Academy courses.
Whole of government approaches can be a challenge when departments are in silos. UN DESA have developed digital tools that can help governments develop integrated planning and implementation across departments.
Finally Siamak Sam Loni from SDSN Youth will present examples of digital innovations that can crowdsource and help fund Youth Innovations and Solutions all across the world.
All looking forward to a good conversion on how government can use digital tools and expertise from non-governmental stakeholders to induce a whole of society interface with the implementation of the UN 2030 agenda to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals