6th CILAC 2022 Colloquium: Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs - Guidelines for Policy-Making
Wed 17 Aug 2022, 10.00 amBackground
The United Nations Inter-Agency Task Team on Science, Technology and Innovation for the SDGs (IATT) is established as the operational body under the UN Technology Facilitation Mechanism (UN-TFM) to ensure the implementation of the STI mandate for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). IATT’s Work Stream 6 on Capacity Building (WS6), formed in 2017, is mandated to foster capacity-building and to design and deliver training courses and workshops on STI Policy for SDGs, targeting primarily developing countries.
Following the successful completion of several training workshops: two face-to-face and four series of online sessions, the IATT WS6 decided to develop a short booklet to be used as reference materials for the Member States interested in designing and implementing STI-oriented policies for the achievement of SDGs. The content comes directly from those goals presented in the different training sessions, plus materials obtained through interaction with participants in the sessions.
The booklet, entitled “Science, Technology and Innovation for Achieving the SDGs: Guidelines for Policy Formulation”, will be presented during the 6th Colloquium of the 2022 Open Science Forum in Latin America and the Caribbean (CILAC).
The event, scheduled on 17 August at 17 H (URU/ARG/BRA time), is organized by UNESCO as the Technical Secretariat of CILAC. It aims to provide an occasion for an interesting discussion on the challenges of designing public policies for Science, Technology and Innovation in the Latin American context.
To this end, the event will be joined by experts involved in the elaboration of the booklet and specialists who will comment on the strategic importance of this tool for the design of public policies:
- Fernando Santiago (UNIDO)
- Víctor Gómez-Valenzuela (INTEC, Dominican Republic)
- Mónica Salazar (Technopolis Group)
- moderated by Claudia De Fuentes (Saint Mary's University School of Business, Canada).
The event will be held in Spanish.
Useful Links
- Registration here to receive a notification about the start of the meeting and other activities of the CILAC Forum
- Live stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aa5-FJe8eQ4
- Open Science Forum in Latin America and the Caribbean, CILAC:http://forocilac.org/
- Booklet-Science, Technology and Innovation for Achieving the SDGs: Guidelines for Policy Formulation, English version, Spanish version, French version,