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United Nations Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales Desarrollo Sostenible

The SDG Actions Platform is a global registry of voluntary policies, commitments, multi-stakeholder partnerships and other initiatives made by governments, the UN system and a broad range of stakeholders to support acceleration of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Governments and other actors are encouraged to register their policies, initiatives or commitments that accelerate the implementation of one or multiple SDGs on the platform by filling out a form that seeks detailed information about each policy/initiative, including details of implementation, beneficiaries, budget and resources, timeline and evaluation.

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Displaying 6589 - 6606 of 8149
Entity Types
Action Networks
8149 results
Healthy Environments for Children Alliance (HECA)
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
Health and Environment Linkages Initiative
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
H20 Partnership Conference global programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land Based Activities (GPA)
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
Great Apes Survival Project (GRASP)
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
Good Governance in Sustainable Development
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
Globally Important Ingenious Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
Global Village Energy Partnership, The
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
Institutional consolidation for systemic planning and management toward poverty alleviation and environmental conservation in a framework of sustainable regional development in the Hindu Kush, Karakorum, Himalaya mountain complex
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
Integrated approach to management of the demand for electricity and urban and industrial development
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
International Partnership for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (Mountain Partnership)
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
International Model Forest Network
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
International Flood Network
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
International Coral Reef Action Network (ICRAN)
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
International AIDS Education and Training Program
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
Intergovernmental, Interagency and Intersectoral Partnerships in the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
Integrating early warning and disaster risk management into the sustainable development agenda and practice
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)
Global Technology Transfer and Knowledge Management Partnership
Partnerships for SD (CSD11/WSSD)