Inside the Conference Venue Side Events Summaries 2022 UN Ocean Conference IBZ_A Sustainable Blue Pacific Continent _ Scaling up action through Ocean Science, Traditional knowledge for informed governance.pdf IBZ_All hands on deck_ Accelerating Solutions to End Plastic Pollution.pdf IBZ_Blue Carbon_ Charting the Path for Governance and Partnerships.pdf IBZ_Bridge The Blue Finance Gap Financing sustainable ocean-based economies in emerging markets, especially in LDC and SIDS Solutions across the investment continuum.pdf IBZ_Coastal alert - tackling tsunami risks together_ partnerships and solutions for a safe ocean resilient to tsunamis.pdf IBZ_Effective Maritime Security for Ocean Governance_ Resilient Oceans and Maritime Security_ Innovation and Partnerships.pdf IBZ_Empowering Women_ An Ocean of Opportunities in Science, Policy and Blue Economy.pdf IBZ_From a Blue Call to Action to a Blue Plan of Action.pdf IBZ_From ocean knowledge to action - developing capacity to create a sustainable ocean economy.pdf IBZ_Future of Food is Blue_ Coalition Acts to Support Aquatic Foods and Thriving Communities.pdf IBZ_High Level Meeting of the Ocean Decade Alliance.pdf IBZ_Islands of the Future_ Blue Solutions and Highest Ambition on Climate Change.pdf IBZ_Launch of the 2022 edition of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture Report (SOFIA 2022).pdf IBZ_Leading by doing_ Latest large-scale actions and new announcements on ocean conservation to achieve 2030 goals.pdf IBZ_Leveraging human rights and gender equity to achieve SDG14.pdf IBZ_Marine Plastic Debris_ Global Commitments and Actions for a Clean Ocean.pdf IBZ_Ocean and Coastal Observation and Monitoring at scale_ Co-Designing the value chain from data to impact through a partnership approach.pdf IBZ_Ocean Science and Its Policy Interface_ from Knowledge to Sustainable Ocean Solutions.pdf IBZ_Our Changing Ocean_ Navigating Observations and Building Research- Driven Solutions.pdf IBZ_Promoting Blue Partnership for a Shared Sustainable Future.pdf IBZ_Addressing key challenges in fisheries, aquaculture, and seafood trade policy for sustainable development.pdf IBZ_Creating a Blue Society Innovative solutions for sustainable ocean and coastal management action.pdf IBZ_Plastics and marine pollution_ innovations for SDG 14.1.pdf IBZ_Promoting implementation of CITES towards sustainable and traceable ocean trade Spotlight on the Blue BioTrade project.pdf IBZ_Protecting the Chagos Archipelago-Towards SDG-14, Sustainability and Self-Determination Through a New Marine Protected Area.pdf IBZ_Racing for Clean Seas_ Sport as a game change in promoting ocean health and accelerating the implementation of SDG 14.pdf IBZ_Scaling up action and building effective partnerships for SDG14- the essential roles of higher education and business.pdf IBZ_Transforming Ocean Economies-Building Sustainable and Resilient Ocean Tourism and Coastal Cities.pdf IBZ_Quality Matters_ Enhancing Governance, Ef ective Management and Resilience of Marine Protected Areas for Multiple Co-benefits.pdf IBZ_Fostering multi-stakeholder partnerships and regional cooperation for SDG14.pdf IBZ_Depolluting oceans through controlling trade in plastic wastes and combatting illegal traffic under the Basel Convention.pdf IBZ_Islands of the Future_ Blue Solutions and Highest Ambition on Climate Change_0.pdf IBZ_Protecting the Ocean_ Time for Action for the High Ambition Coalition on BBNJ.pdf IBZ_Scaling up ocean action through inter-agency cooperation and coordination_ Case studies, challenges and opportunities.pdf IBZ_Scaling up Ocean Action with Empowerment of SIDS Youth, Awareness Raising and Citizenship Engagement.pdf IBZ_Science towards a sustainable ocean by 2030_ International accountability, best practices and success stories.pdf IBZ_Seabed mapping _ marine data supporting multifunctional spatial planning.pdf IBZ_Seaweed_ A Revolution to Achieve Goal 14 and More.pdf IBZ_Sustainable Ocean Development “Beyond GDP”_ Scaling global efforts to make nature and people count through ocean accounts.pdf IBZ_The Regional response for the protection of the marine environment and its marine living resources from plastic pollution – A concrete case from the Mediterranean.pdf IBZ_The Road to Sustainable Aquaculture.pdf IBZ_Tourism Ocean Action_Towards a Circular and Regenerative Blue Economy.pdf IBZ_Trade facilitation for a sustainable blue economy.pdf