UN-IATT WS6 expanding partnerships with GIZ for trainings on science, technology and innovation policies for Tunisia and Arab States

From 18 to 20 October 2022, virtual training sessions on science, technology and innovation (STI) polices were organised for policy-makers and STI managers from Tunisia and other Arab States. The sessions were organised and delivered by UN specialists working jointly as part of the UN Interagency Task Team on Capacity-Building (UN-IATT WS6), co-led by UNESCO and UNCTAD. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) supported the organisation of this seventh edition of the UN-IATT training sessions that have been delivered since 2018.
The training attracted over 90 STI policy-makers and ministerial staff from Tunisia and 12 other Arab States who exchanged views and discussed with the inter-agency team concerning STI policy-making approaches, policy design and implementation, in the context of the SDGs.
The UN-IATT WS6 has been receiving increasing requests for more trainings and new partnerships. It adapts the trainings to the local context and needs, which was also recommended in the case study report conducted by the University College London in collaboration with IATT WS6 and UNESCO.
Resource persons from UNESCO, UNCTAD, UNIDO, UNU-MERIT, UNEP, UNECLAC,UNESCWA, and EU-JRC, all members of the UN-IATT Capacity-building workstream, delivered the training, discussing regional and country case studies in the field of STI policies and policy instruments design. GIZ has also played a critical role in catering the workshops to the local needs, including identifying targeted participants from Tunisia though GIZ Tunisia Office and providing financial support notably for making available the training materials in French and Arabic.
For documents and recording of this training: please visit: https://sdgs.un.org/events/un-iattgiz-training-science-technology-and-innovation-sti-policy-sdgs-tunisia-and-arab
The group is also actively cooperating with other developing partners in order to allow more countries to benefit from the training. For instance, in collaboration with the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), UN-IATT WS6 is now planning training sessions in Addis Ababa for African countries, scheduled in February 2023.
For more information on the joint UN-IATT WS6 initiatives, please visit: https://sdgs.un.org/events/un-iattgiz-training-science-technology-and-innovation-sti-policy-sdgs-tunisia-and-arab