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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development

Republic of Moldova

Progress on achieving SDG 6

2020 Voluntary National Review

The Republic of Moldova reported as of 2019 that the populations access to water sources gradually increased by 9%, to 82.1% at the end of 2018. The proportion of the rural population enjoying access to water supply sources increased from 56.9% in 2014 to 71.2% in 2018.  The country also reported that access to sanitation increased at a slower rate than access to water supply did, until it jumped by 6.2% between 2017 and 2018, mainly due to expansion of the sewerage system in urban areas. The Republic of Moldova reported to face some challenges in increasing environmental quality. They faced barriers in insufficient investment of management of wastewater, waste and chemicals, as well as a number of challenges in water resources management because of insufficient funding and the need to complete the reform of the institution responsible for this sector. Moldova reported that the need for reform and investment is evident, as  54% of drinking water samples do not meet the sanitary and chemical norms for drinking water quality.  

The Republic of Moldova and Ukraine signed an Agreement for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Dniester River in 2012 and it entered into force in 2017 when ratified by Ukraine. The Agreement reportedly provides the legal basis for a common dialogue platform for the integrated management of water resources of the Dniester river basin, from which the Republic of Moldova meets 83% of its total water needs for water supply and for the economy, in a cross-border context. Thus, Moldova noted that initiation of this dialogue is a step forward for the country to improve the management of water resources. Additionally, the country reported that in order to better manage water resources, a trilateral Agreement should be signed between the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine to protect the Prut River, enabling a dialogue similar to that for the Dniester River. They reported that discussions have been launched towards this end.  

The country acknowledged that in order to see improvements, both decision-making and oversight authorities should focus on increasing investment in the wastewater management sector and strengthening control over compliance with legislation. The Republic of Moldova reported that if strictly followed, these measures will significantly increase the quality of both surface water and groundwater, and thus improve the quality of water supplied to consumers. 

Read the full report here: 


*The information reflected on this page has been taken directly from the official VNR received from this Member State. The information does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations. 
